
If you are not completely satisfied with our services or in case of defects of the accommodation, you can file a complaint. In order to best serve you, we ask that you follow the complaint procedure below.

STEP 1: Verbal, on site

We ask that you report complaints to the staff on duty in the first instance, so that the complaint can possibly be resolved immediately on site. Complaints about staff can be reported to the branch manager.

STEP 2: Written, on site

If a complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you have the option of submitting the complaint in writing using a complaint form. This form is completed and sent to the branch manager. Complaints submitted will be answered within a period of 2 business days from the date of receipt. The form is available at the reception on site.

STEP 3: To the management of FunZone

Should this also not lead to a desired solution, you have the option to appeal the decision of the branch manager with the management of FunZone. You must submit the complaint in writing by (e-)mail, stating your name and address information and the name of the related branch. Complaints submitted will be responded to within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt

Contact details FunZone

Torenstraat 8 5142 ET Waalwijk
[email protected]